Date and salted honey caramel cake. Recipe by Katie Marshall, food styling Myles Williamson, photography Helen Cathcart

Date and salted honey caramel cake. Recipe by Katie Marshall, food styling Myles Williamson, photography Helen Cathcart

Blackberry loaf. Recipe by Katie Marshall, food styling Myles Williamson, photography Helen Cathcart

Pistachio, orange and cardamom buns. Recipe by Katie Marshall, food styling Myles Williamson, photography Helen Cathcart

Chocolate and tahini doughnuts. Recipe by Katie Marshall, food styling Myles Williamson, photography Helen Cathcart

Chocolate and tahini doughnuts. Recipe by Katie Marshall, food styling Myles Williamson, photography Helen Cathcart

Jam sandwich biscuits. Recipe by Katie Marshall, food styling Myles Williamson, photography Helen Cathcart

Waitrose Food, June 2016, photography Gus Filgate, food styling Sunil Vijayakar

Photo by Rob White, food styling by Lucy McKelvie, Waitrose Kitchen, January 2014.

Photo by Rob White, food styling by Myles Williamson, Waitrose Kitchen, February 2014

Photo by Steve Baxter, food styling by Katie Marshall, Waitrose Kitchen, February 2013.

Food styling by Sal Henley, photography by Alicia Taylor, Waitrose Kitchen September 2014

Photo by Issy Oakes, food styling by Cara Hobday, Waitrose Kitchen, November 2014